Thursday, October 21, 2010

Making a Cross Bead Necklace


Cross bead jewelery is quite a rage among people these days. The whole gothic feel that this particular jewelry provides to the appearance is something which every true fashion lover adores. In fact, you can make it all the more special by crafting it out out on your own. Mentioned below is the process of making a cross bead necklace at home. Check it out:

Material Needed

30" Leather lacing, approximately (Suede Cord)
7 Translucent blue pony beads
1 White pony bead
Glue, optional


Step 1
First of all to start with, you would be needed to fold the leather lacing into its half and hold on to folded end firmly.

Step 2
Now in the second step, you would need to push two of the translucent beads on to the folded end. But, while doing so, you have to be sure of leaving a little length of lacing below the beads. This extra length would justify its purpose in the later stages.

Step 3
Once the first two pony beads have been inserted into the lacing, you would next need to again, string one translucent bead each into each of the leather lacing from the other end.

Step 4
Now you'll be left with three more beads, push these remaining beads into the leather lacing from both ends.

Step 5
All the beads are within the leather lacing now so, you would be tying both the ends of the leather lacing together in a knot tightly.

Step 6
Next, you have push two of the translucent bead towards the knot you just tied.

Step 7
In this step you have to be tactful. Here, you would have to push the other two bead which are on the strings towards the individually strung beads.

Step 8
Now comes the turn of the white bead. Place the white bead sideways that is, on the open ends amongst the 2 translucent beads and then gently push the double strung translucent bead down until it tightens the necklace enough to hold the white bead right in place.

Step 9
You can use glue to stiffen the hold of white bead, though it is no necessary.
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